These order and delivery conditions apply to all orders recieved by made by TOF!


Made by TOF! ships your order within 2-5 working days after recieving the payment. You will be informed by e-mail.


All products from made by TOF!  are made with the greatest care. Because it is manual work, there may be slight differences in finish. The colors may also differ from the images on the website. If you are not satisfied with the product, please send an email within 5 working days explaining your complaint.

Made by TOF! cannot be held responsible for damage or loss during or after transportation. If this is the case, please send me an email:


Do you want to return a product? Please send an e-mail, within 5 working days after recieving the product, in which you let us know that you want to return the product. In this e-mail, state the reason for the return shipment, your invoice number, name and address details and bank account number. Within 3 days after sending this email, you must return the item, undamaged, unused, in its original packaging and with sufficient postage. Within 5 working days after receipt of the return shipment, made by TOF! will refund the purchase amount. Made by TOF! reserves the right to refuse returns and / or refunds. Made by TOF! will look for a suitable solution in all cases.


Made by TOF! does not give personal data of the customer to third parties. Your personal data will only be used for the processing and delivery of your order and our administration. Your e-mail address can be used, only if you have given permission, to inform you about discounts, promotions or news from made by TOF!.


There is a copyright on all products and designs made by TOF!. You are punishable under copyright law when making copies or unauthorized use in any form.

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